Tag Archives: Youtube

Death of Passion

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Death of Passion:

Before any kind of comments let me first explain what it is that bothers me. It isn’t the fact that Let’s Players are terrible or lazy people. I know they put a lot of work and their own money in what they do. I watch Two Best Friends and Angry Video Game Nerd and know that effort, time, and money is put into entertaining their viewers. What bothers me is the children who watch these videos and lose any aspiration to do anything with their lives.

There’s a large number of kids lately with a lack of motivation with their lives. I knew one kid I used to work with who had plans to become huge on youtube by posting only a single video. I know youtube has become this big thing now where everyone wants to just jump in and make loads of money, but what’s the point if you don’t even have a passion for what it is you’re even doing? I’ve seen videos in which people just sound like they don’t even want to be doing what their doing, and only want the views. Then there’s kids as young as 9 thinking about becoming a let’s player. Talk about a lack of motivation.

What I wrote in todays strip is what got me into doing what I do today. It isn’t for an easy paycheck, I’m trying to entertain people by putting myself in the work I do. I don’t just lounge around watching anime and movies, I take in that entertainment and put into my everyday life. It’s one of the reasons I can’t stand Netflix sometimes as it puts people in a position in which they have no motivation to do anything. I think I’m noticing this more and more with my daughter lately as it’s Summer time and she would rather spend it watching Netflix and playing DS. I thought it was just my own kid, but apparently this is a very common thing in most house holds. Yes it shuts your kids up for a couple of hours, but if they’re just staring at a screen like some mindless drone you’re taking away their imagination or their passion. I don’t know if it’s because I grew up with a Korean mom that this bothers me so much, but seeing kids at work staring at cell phones watching let’s players really doesn’t sit well with me.

One of the things that actually helps me keep doing what I do on this site, Tumblr, and facebook is responses from the people reading my work. I actually do read comments people write, and I always log onto the page when a strip gets a like. It’s why I always ask for you guys to share my work so that more people can like, comment, and share even more of my work.

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I really enjoy making strips and I want to continue the best works I can for you the readers

Professional Critic

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Professional Critic:

Lately I’ve been watching a bit of Doug Walker and the Nostalgia Critic. It’s funny because I really used to hate the guy, but lately I’ve come to really enjoy his reviews. He can actually bring up great points in his reviews and he’s actually pretty nice guy. I think I can admit that some of my strips were partially inspired his work this month. If you haven’t heard of him I will warn you he does have a foul mouth, but I look at it kind of like South Park. Behind the language is something rather smart despite popular belief.

No anime review this week, too busy working on the Christmas Special the past couple days.

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I really enjoy making strips and I want to continue the best works I can for you the readers.

I’m Going to be a Star

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I’m Going to be a Star:

(Original release 07/10/2014)
It seems youtube is becoming a new means for people who could never be publicly popular to internet sensations, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem right for a lot of people. With the idea of becoming famous on youtube, we get people purposely doing dangerous things posted there all the time just to get popularity on their channels. I remember when taking shows like Jackass and Beavis & Butthead was such a high priority thing, but why isn’t there attempts to ban videos on youtube about self mutilation? I know it can never be done, but I think a filter of what is allowed should be placed. Just so we’re clear I’m talking more on the idea of public humiliation with this strip, I will talk about the other issue I have with youtube in a future comic strip.

Girls Only Use Friendship

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Girls Only Use Friendship:

(Original release 06/05/2014)
I’m not sure why guys assume girls hate video games. If you let them play a good game with you they will also show interest in them too. There’s a bad misconception in the gaming industry that female gamers can only play overly girly games that are possibly designed for children. I have heard girls talk about games like Vanilla & Alma in this strip. Girls can have an interest in video games just as much as men, and sometimes they will have a much deeper interest in them. Also while I’m on the topic, the new Mortal Kombat game looks amazing. I know it was just a trailer, but it’s one of the few next gen games I feel actually looks next gen. I remember playing Mortal Kombat on the Genesis with my big brother all the time which is why this series is one of my favorites. I just hope it doesn’t turn into like Annihilation and takes in what Mortal Kombat 9 did and just improve on that in Mortal Kombat X. Right now this is the only game that really makes me want to own a PS4 right now. Unless a new Tales or Persona game are in the works Mortal Kombat X is enough to catch my eye.

In case you haven’t seen this trailer here it is (warning video contains violence and gore):